Layton Weight Loss Medications and Supplements | Dr. Rigby — Ogden Clinic Medical Weight Loss

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Medication Management

Medications work wonders for a wide variety of diseases and conditions. But some of them can actually inhibit weight loss. From epilepsy medication to anti-depressants, medication changes our body chemistry to make us feel better, but in the process it builds fat and affects energy levels. Medications can affect a variety of weight loss factors, from metabolism to appetite.

The most common weight gain contributors include prescriptions for epilepsy, diabetes, depression, arthritis, and high blood pressure. Birth control and antihistamines can also affect a patient’s weight.

Even antibiotics contribute to weight gain because they wipe out healthy gut bacteria. While this bacteria can return from ingestion of probiotic foods like yogurt, the gut still experiences a change that might mean more fat retention.

Our Providers are familiar with the wide range of medications that can impact weight loss. He works with patients to find a healthy solution to this obstacle, from finding an alternative medication to adjusting the dosage. Dr. Rigby and our other Providers understand the potential health impact of changing a medication and closely monitors any side effects from the update.

Weight Loss Medication

In addition to looking at the effects of pre-existing medications, Our Providers may also prescribe an FDA-approved weight loss medication for patients. These weight loss medications and supplements assist patients in Northern Utah with their lifestyle changes, including appetite reduction and adjustments in fat absorption.

Learning to live a healthier, happier lifestyle is possible with the help of Utah medical weight loss Providers. To find out more about their customized program, get touch with our team at Ogden Clinic.